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AntiCorr®涂层工艺 – 选择性金属防腐保护

AntiCorr® 是一种在常压等离子体技术应用中喷涂到不同金属表面的防腐涂层。
它属于众多可集成到 PlasmaPlus® 系统内的涂层工艺中的一种。


将有机硅化合物添加到等离子体中,作为AntiCorr® 涂层工艺的起始原料。等离子体内的高激发能可以击碎这种化合物,让其以玻璃涂层的形式沉积在表面。AntiCorr® 涂层的化学成分会根据应用的不同而有所差异,其最终目的是确保在给定材料上实现最佳的处理效果。AntiCorr® 涂层工艺的质量堪比低压等离子体镀膜技术。 

AntiCorr® 涂层工艺的决定性优势在于选择性处理,也就是说只处理工件所需的一部分而非全部。

我们在汽车行业常用的一种铝压铸合金AlSi12 (Fe)上喷镀了AntiCorr® 涂层,以证明其有效性。在DIN ISO 9227标准要求的盐雾试验条件下,对试样完成了720小时测试。 




  • 耐腐蚀 适用于固体和液体衬圈(FIPG) 适合在线处理 无需中间贮存 用途广 价格合理 环保并可回收 透明 耐受性良好

Discover the revolutionary speed of testing with Plasmatreat's AntiCorr® Test Fluids

Basis for this measurement method is the reduction of copper ions in the copper sulphate solution with simultaneous oxidation of the metal surface.
A drop of this solution is applied on to the surface to be tested. Subsequently the exact time until the first visible electro-chemical (formation of gas bubbles) reaction is measured.
After examination, dark red (copper) to black (ferrite) changes of color are apparent on porous points of the protective layer.
Within seconds, visible results emerge, offering a rapid and reliable indication of the coating's success against corrosion. This cutting-edge approach transforms the assessment process, providing efficiency without compromising accuracy.

Order your Test Fluids now

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